Tag Archives: style

Hey Mom, Want Your Kids to Get Along with Each Other? Here are the Tips!

It’s natural for siblings to fight while playing together. But if it continues, then it becomes an unhealthy habit. Is it possible to get them to get along so they can play calmly and peacefully? In fact it can. With a few simple steps, you can make your children more comfortable and less likely to […]

For Parents, Pay Attention to the Child’s Weight

For parents, it is not easy to see children having difficulty with weight. A father or mother definitely wants to help their child in the best possible way, especially if the child feels pressured. For parents who are concerned about the impact weight issues can have on their child’s health and well-being, here are a […]

Use Downtime by Teaching Children to Recycle Plastic

Many students have not been to school offline since the outbreak of Covid-19. Schools still organize online teaching and learning activities in a very short time. Some parents have to spend extra monthly to buy data credit. Also adding special time to accompany their children who are still unable to be independent, while studying with […]

Improve Children’s Creative Ideas With This Activity!

Creativity is defined as the ability to create, inventiveness, about being creative and creative. In the life of the little one, the mother needs to help increase her creativity because with this, the little one is able to create new things and find solutions and alternatives to things. However, do you sometimes feel confused about […]

Family Communication Can Train Children Mentally!

Apart from taking care of our physical health, it is also important to take care of our mental health. This time we will discuss a little about what communication in the family has to do with the mental health of a child. Check out the explanation! What is communication? Since birth, humans are given a […]

Although Rarely Meet, Fathers Can Do This To Children!

Being a father who has a part-time job is always the reason why he can’t be close to his children. Coming home late at night when the child is asleep, of course, rarely makes him spend much time with his little one. However, that does not mean that fathers can’t try to stay close to […]

Various Effects of Napping for Adults

The density of daily activities makes naps often missed. In fact, there are various benefits of napping for health, you know. Even so, you need to know the rules for the right nap hours so that the benefits can be optimal. Napping is often done for those of you who are sleep deprived and feel […]

Sports For Kids? Here’s How!

Sports for children is an activity that is highly recommended. Regular exercise can make their muscles, heart and bones strong. However, sports for children should be limited so as not to be done excessively. Sometimes children seem to have endless energy. After they come home from school, the children seem to still have the energy […]

Children Can Also Learn Through Sports

When it’s fun to play, your little one will definitely try various games with their friends to make their friendship even more exciting. Usually girls prefer to cook, while boys certainly really like playing football. But, did you know that playing football is not just about the game? Exercise can indeed make children healthy, but […]

Caution! Limit Bag Weight For Kids

The use of a child’s backpack that accommodates an excessive load can cause various health problems, such as back pain to nervous disorders. The weight of a child’s backpack should be limited to a maximum of 20% of the total body weight. As a parent, you need to pay attention to the backpack that your […]

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