How to Shape Character in Today’s Millennial Era

Many people think that children’s character education in ancient times was better than today. It seems that this assumption is true, because seeing the attitude of most children today is increasingly making adults stroke their chests. Elementary school children often fight against their teachers and parents, get into fights, smoke, use illegal drugs and commit immoral acts.

If we look back, this problem is growing worse along with the increasing sophistication of uncontrolled technology. Children’s freedom to access the internet with all its world, makes them focus only on what they see on the internet. They think what is happening out there is a natural thing to do, even very cool to imitate. Yes, that is one of the negative impacts of technological sophistication.

Even though it is bad for the moral aspect of children, the development of technology still cannot be prevented. We cannot stop technology, but what we can do is tighten supervision and character education for children. The two most responsible roles in carrying out this task are parents and teachers/educators. Both are very influential in the formation of children’s character.

Being a teacher means the same as being a parent to a child at school. Yes, being a teacher is not only responsible for providing lessons, but also being able to educate morals, ethics, integrity and character. Is it difficult to educate students’ character? Here are simple things that teachers can do to build character in students.

  1. Set yourself as an example. The teacher is a role model for students, which means that students will regard the teacher as an example in behavior. The teacher’s good or bad attitude, a little or a lot can definitely affect how students behave with others. Therefore, the teacher must first strengthen his own character. Teachers must be good at maintaining an attitude to set the best example.
  2. Do not only judge students on academic results, but also appreciate students’ efforts. Students’ academic results are important, but there are many other things that are just as important as academic scores. For example punctual character, craft, persistence, good cooperation etc. Students who fail to score high marks are not necessarily because they are lazy. If he has tried diligently, then the teacher should also appreciate his persistence without judging his low grades. This can make students appreciate themselves for the efforts that have been made, so that characters will be built who continue to learn and improve themselves.
  3. Teach also the moral values ​​that are tucked into each lesson. The subject matter is already written in the book, but not with the moral values ​​that are tucked away. Teachers should also instill moral values ​​related to each lesson. For example, during math lessons, teachers teach that by doing math problems we can learn to be patient, and try to solve problems by honing logical thinking. This can build optimistic character and logical analysis of students when facing more severe problems.
  4. Be honest with yourself and open to mistakes. Teachers are also human beings who cannot escape unintentional mistakes. For example, the teacher came late or corrected a student’s answer incorrectly. To set a good example, teachers should be willing to admit mistakes, no matter how small. This will be a lesson for students that honesty and sportsmanship are very important. However, sportsmanship must also be accompanied by efforts to correct mistakes and be responsible for the consequences for their mistakes.
  5. Teach manners and good manners in even the smallest things. Teaching how to behave in schools is often only on the surface, not deep down to the simplest attitudes in everyday life. Therefore, teachers must be able to teach any right and wrong attitudes, including small things that are often done and even considered normal by society. When there are students who make mistakes, the teacher should correct and provide alternative solutions for other actions, in a subtle but firm way.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara has thought deeply about the issue of character education through the concept of the Education Trilogy that he put forward. The educational trilogy consists of 3 mottos, namely ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa and tut wuri handayani. Tut wuri handayani means ‘from behind a teacher must be able to provide encouragement and direction’, ing madya mangun karsa means ‘in the midst of students, the teacher must create initiatives and ideas’ and ing ngarsa sung tulada means ‘in front, an educator must set an example or examples of good action’.

It’s time for teachers to leave the old teaching methods that only carry out the demands of their duties and pursue curriculum targets, so that they do not have the ideals of being an educator. Teachers are required to return to being like Ki Hajar Dewantara said, namely a person who ing ngarso sing tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso and tut wuri handayani. Teachers who not only teach, but also educate.

The actualization of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s teachings in this era of globalization is useful for building the nation’s character. This character education will free Indonesia from the predicate of the most corrupt country, the worst bureaucracy and others, all of which are caused by the weak education system characterized by Indonesian culture. Joint steps are needed to make it happen, so that Indonesia turns into a nation of high character.


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