Teach Children to Start Friendship Children at School Can Use This Method

Children can be taught many things since childhood, especially good concepts and values ​​for life, one of which is knowing friendship. Entering school, children have started to meet friends their age.

Here the role of parents is needed for children, how to get acquainted well with those of the same age and older, start friendships and establish good social relationships with people around children. Do this to help the children build good friendships.

  1. Sharing about what you feel

    Children can already feel what makes them comfortable and what doesn’t, what they like and what they don’t. Try to train children to feel empathy from fairy tales, movies, cartoons and more. Research shows that when parents discuss feelings related to books or stories, children are easier to understand and can put themselves in someone else’s shoes.
  2. Invite to play and get acquainted with other children

    Parents are tasked with maintaining and supervising children so they don’t get to know people carelessly, but also play a role in encouraging children to be friendly and friendly with others. Take children to gatherings where there are many children. Let the child play with other children. From here you can also observe, children are lacking in terms of how to socialize.
  3. Teach hospitality

    Children are usually selfish, selfish and want to win on their own. This is natural, and the job of parents is to teach children when to be selfish and when not. Teach hospitality by greeting people, smiling at others and so on. The form of friendliness shown by parents to others will make children imitate what parents do.

Encourage children to want to know and greet their friends. Say thank you, share and take turns when borrowing things. Simple things like this are sometimes difficult for children to do, so help children to get used to things like that Moms. This way, it will be easier for children to make friends and build socialization with other children.

Source: filmela

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